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Elijah Cooper
Personal Finances
This poll is ended
Sep 16 2023 at 10:55 AM
Please rank the following financial goals in order of importance to you: 1.
Becoming debt-free 2.
0 people vote this.
Building an emergency fund 3.
0 people vote this.
Saving for retirement 4.
0 people vote this.
Investing in stocks and bonds 5.
0 people vote this.
Saving for a down payment on a house 6.
0 people vote this.
Paying for your child's education 7.
0 people vote this.
Starting your own business 8.
0 people vote this.
Donating to charitable causes 9.
0 people vote this.
Traveling and experiencing new cultures 10.
0 people vote this.
Living a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.
0 people vote this.
5 more option(s)